Every professional journey is unique, each with its own set of challenges and triumphs. My story may not be filled with dramatic twists and turns, but it is one I am proud of and one that I believe could inspire the next generation of graphic designers in Rwanda.

How It All Started
From a young age, I had a deep passion for both art and technology. Seven years ago, however, I knew nothing about a career in graphic design. I didn’t even know what Photoshop was. I remember overhearing some classmates debating whether Photoshop (a leading professional design and compositing software by Adobe) or Pixart Photo (a popular all-in-one photo and video editor for mobile) was more powerful. The differences between the two were obvious, but I had no clue. So, like a blind person being guided, I stayed silent, listened, and grew curious about which was truly the best.
A Few Months Later
My journey truly began when I received my first laptop from my dad. Despite my initial ignorance about technology, my excitement knew no bounds. I attended MPC (Mathematics, Physics, and Computer Science ) and then started with programming, But soon enough, I discovered Photoshop. From that moment, tutorials became my daily bread.
Within two months, I had developed decent skills in Photoshop manipulations, thanks to the abundance of tutorials on YouTube. Although I wasn’t sure how I would use my new skills, the excitement of learning something new kept me going.
In my final year of secondary school, I put my skills to use by designing custom postcards for students, and I was even paid for my work. The pay was modest, but the experience was incredibly satisfying and almost unbelievable.
Reflection on Early Days
Looking back, I sometimes think I spent a lot of time on things that didn’t seem to matter. Perhaps I should have focused more on a specific niche. However, the diverse skills I acquired have been invaluable. Today, I can wear different hats and excel in various areas, thanks to the time spent learning and practicing. My expertise now spans branding, content creation, motion graphics, WordPress web design and development, and managing clients’ social media accounts.
The Birth of Wdgraphix
By 2019, my skills in Photoshop and other creative software had significantly improved. Although I didn’t have a deep understanding of design theories, I had become proficient with the tools. I knew what to focus on and what could be learned later.
I began sharing my work on Facebook under the name “wdgraphix.” Initially, I didn’t receive any job offers. It wasn’t until businesses started reopening after the 2020 lockdown that I landed my first full-time job. After three months, I had to resume my studies at the University of Rwanda in Structural Engineering. Fortunately, I continued working remotely, and my life changed forever.
Challenges and Growth
Growing my agency of one has been challenging but also exhilarating. Beyond creating compelling visuals and graphics, building a successful agency involves much more. As I strive to expand my team, I am excited about this new chapter. I know it won’t be easy, but I am clear about my goals. One day, I hope to write another blog post about how we became one of the best design agencies in Rwanda.
Looking Forward
As I look to the future, my vision for wdgraphix is to grow beyond a one-person operation. I aim to build a team that can handle diverse projects and deliver top-notch services. This journey will undoubtedly be filled with challenges, but it is a path I am eager to walk.
In conclusion, my journey from a curious student to a professional graphic designer in Rwanda has been a blend of passion, learning, and perseverance. I hope that my story inspires others to pursue their dreams, no matter how daunting they may seem. With dedication and hard work, anything is possible.
If you’re passionate about art and technology, dive in, explore, and let your creativity shine. The journey may be tough, but the rewards are worth it.